At Canaijamart, we’re committed to delivering the freshest and highest-quality products straight to your doorstep. Sometimes, to ensure the pristine nature of our offerings, certain items require extra care and attention before they’re ready to ship. This means they may not be readily available on our shelves, but rest assured, it’s all part of our dedication to quality.

While we strive to maintain our speedy delivery turnaround time, we want to be transparent about certain products that may need a bit more time to be processed. We understand your excitement to receive your order, and we promise to keep you updated every step of the way.

Your patience is truly appreciated as we work diligently to prepare your order with the utmost care and attention to detail. Thank you for choosing Canaijamart, where quality and freshness are our top priorities. We can’t wait to deliver a taste of home right to your doorstep!